PottyAudit | Owner Info
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owner info

get promoted!

pottyaudit approved

Got a 4 star or higher potty rating? Get Potty Audit Approved and receive the following:

  • Prominent placement on our homepage under the Potty Audit Approved section.

  • A Potty Audit Approved badge to place on your website.

  • Your listing on Potty Audit will include the badge, showing potential customers that your restrooms are top-notch. 

We'll provide you with the badge HTML code snippet to place anywhere on your website homepage. Once you've placed the badge on your site and have clicked it to activate it, you're all set!



Promote your listing with the gold package and you're golden! No, really - promote your listing for just $5/month and your establishment will be shown on the map with a gold map pin instead of the blue, green or red map pin that is relative to your average rating. Drive more traffic to your business by making yourself stand out among your competition. Cancel it anytime!




Our most popular package. Get the platinum package and have your listing prominently displayed on every single establishment's listing page in your city. Your listing will appear in the recommended locations section found just below their menus. To put that into context, in Kansas City alone, there are 1,047 listings. You'd be listed as a recommended location on each one of them. Cancel it anytime!




Attention seeker? Promote your listing with the diamond package and get all the features above + your listing will be prominently displayed on the pottyaudit homepage in the recommended locations section. I hope those restrooms are clean because your listing is about to get a ton of views. Cancel it anytime!



suggest an edit

Notice an error on your listing such as incorrect address, name or formatting? Let us know!

change your listing's primary photo

By default, we use a random menu image (if we have one) for your location's listing. If you'd like us to use another photo, please email us using the contact button at the top of this page and provide us the URL for the image you'd like us to use.

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